2024-05-24 BRAZIL

Brother Deivis Fischer is appointed Provincial of Brasil Sul-Amazônia for a second term

The General Council, after studying the survey conducted in the Province, has appointed Brother Deivis Alexandre Fischer Provincial of the Marist Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia for a second three-year term. In a letter sent to the Province on May 1, Brother Ernesto Sanchez, Superior General, thanked Brother Deivis for accepting the leadership of the Province for a second term: “Thank you very much, Brother Deivis, for your openness and generosity in continuing this mission of leadership at the service of your Province. Your experience as a brother, your ability to listen, your closeness to the brothers and laity, and your teamwork, favor your service as a leader.”

Br. Deivis will begin his second term as provincial during the next Chapter, scheduled for November 25 – 29 of this year.

Br. Deivis expressed his desire to continue to contribute to the mission of leadership: “For me, when we become religious, we consecrate ourselves to serve wherever we are needed. I believe that the Holy Spirit acts through the mediations that are placed in our path. I assume a new triennium with a spirit of service, of following Jesus, as a Marist Brother. This is our greatest treasure: to carry forward the charism that has been bequeathed to us”.

Br. Deivis Alexandre Fischer

Son of Lauri Fischer and Elieda Cerutti Fischer, Br. Deivis Alexandre Fischer was born on September 15, 1983 in Gramado Xavier, state of Rio Grande do Sul. He began his Marist formation in 2000, in Lajeado. In Bento Gonçalves and Passo Fundo he completed the Postulancy and Novitiate stages, respectively. He made his Final Profession on October 16, 2011.

Br. Deivis has a degree in Pastoral Theology and Philosophy, with a specialization in Sociology and a Master’s in Education.

His apostolate includes the positions of vice-president of the Maintainers of the Marist Network (SOME, UBEA e USBEE) from 2013 to 2018; vice-provincial of the Marist Province Brasil Sul-Amazônia, from 2016 to 2018; president of the Board of Directors of the UMBRASIL, from 2016 to 2018; manager of Consecrate life and laity, in 2014 and 2015; vice-provincial of the Marist Province of Rio Grande do Sul, from 2013 to 2015; vice-president of the Association of Volunteering and Solidarity (AVESOL), from 2011 to 2020; Director of Pastoral Coordination, in 2011 and 2012; and provincial coordinator of Marist Youth Ministry, from 2008 to 2010. He also served as Coordinator of the Marist Youth House (Caju), in 2008; professor of Philosophy at the Ivone Vettorello Marist School, in Porto Alegre, that same year; coordinator of School Ministry, teacher and local advisor of MYM at the São Luís Marist School, in Santa Cruz do Sul, from 2005 to 2007; and professor of Religious Education and pastoral agent at the Graças Marist School, in Viamão, in 2004. He also did his apostolic novitiate and pedagogical practice at the Santa Marta Marist College and Social Center, in Santa Maria, during the first semester of 2003.

Br. Deivis was elected as provincial, in his first term, in 2021, and took office during the chapter held in November of the same year.


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