2020-09-09 GENERAL HOUSE

Brother Ernesto Sánchez presents Circular 420 of the Marist Institute

“Since the time of Champagnat, this is Circular number 420”, stated Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, when presenting his first Circular “Homes of Light” in the General House, this September 8th, feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. In the ceremony that began with the words of Brother Luis Carlos Gutiérrez, Vicar General, all the brothers of the General Council, the Marist Community and the collaborators of the General Administration were present.

“Written in part during the pandemic, the circular – Homes of Light – takes on a new meaning for all of us and reminds us of the value of family life and the care of others, through small or large details. The foundation of this experience is our life in God and the richness of our deep spirituality in daily life,” said Brother Luis Carlos at the opening of the ceremony.

“I am delighted that today, on a Marial feast, the circular that I am sending with great pleasure and affection to the whole Marist Institute is being distributed. Throughout the years, since the time of Fr. Champagnat, the Superiors General have addressed the Institute by writing words of motivation, of animation, presenting important and current themes. Sometimes, to convoke a General Chapter, for example. Then, in my case, this is circular number 420”, said Brother Ernesto on presenting his circular and thanking all those present.

Echoing the anniversary of the opening of the XXII General Chapter – three years ago – the Superior General recalled that it “suggested to us that one of the ways of being beacons of hope was to build homes of light as Marists of Champagnat, involving ourselves passionately in the creation of a family life style, open to all”.

Speaking about how the inspiration for his circular came to him, Brother Ernesto recalled that “it was from the General Chapter that the idea of further developing this theme, concerning the homes of light, came to me. I remember that in the words that I spoke at the conclusion of the 22nd General Chapter, I referred to the table at La Valla, and one of the pillars was to form Homes that care for life and generate new life. There was the title of my circular. And of course La Valla was the first Marist Home of Light”.

Concerning the motivation for his circular, the Superior General assured us that “in the present context, never better than today, to speak of building Homes of Light, in the face of a situation of uncertainty, which seems to be prolonged. We are called to take care of life and to generate new Marist life, in these moments of great fragility and vulnerability”.

Speaking about the content of his circular (Homes of Light: We care for life and generate new life), Brother Ernesto affirmed: “I personally believe that our rebirth as an Institute and its future will have much to do with the concrete commitment of each one of us to take seriously the journey of our own interior and spiritual life. This with the commitment to encourage each other in this process and this effort, so that it becomes a joint search and not just an individual one. Homes of light that take care of life. To care for life is to care for the light of the house, the home so that it stays lit and burning. It is therefore a matter of personal care, of care for the people with whom we live, the community, the family, of care for those we welcome, of care for the earth which is our common home and ultimately of care for God”.

Before finishing his presentation, Brother Ernesto encouraged all Marists to be beacons of hope, to form homes of light in this turbulent world. And he concluded by saying “may Mary, our Good Mother, continue to encourage us to be true members of her family”.

Circular “Homes of Light” – PDF: English | Español | Français | Português Presentation’s photos | Video


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