2006-01-05 MEXICO

Brother Fernando Mejía starts his second mandate as Provincial of México Central

From the 21st to the 23rd December, the capitulants met in Tlalpan for the Provincial Chapter which marked the start of the second mandate of Brother Fernando as Provincial of the Province of México Central.
Since the XX General Chapter exhorted us to Choose Life, as a Province we started a journey of dialogue and reflection in order to achieve this goal. We are aware that to Choose life, one day is not enough, and that there needs to be more than just speaking or writing about it as it involves constant efforts in personal situations and structures that can lead us to death. We are moving forward but there is still a long way to go.
In preparation for this XIII Provincial Chapter, we took up again the calls from the previous Provincial Chapter in order to encourage the continuation of this journey in an open and fraternal dialogue. As a Chapter, we felt we needed to identify more clearly the obstacles and the situations and structures that are not helping us to choose life more fully. For this we formed seven commissions with the proposal that each one identify these problem areas and then together in a following session we could agree on the challenges that we must face as a Province and the new steps we need to take. The seven commissions correspond to the five calls of the XX General Chapter and two more that were asked to study the evangelical use of goods and the Chapter Rules and Norms to be applied.
The Provincial Council was also elected and the members of this Council are: Roberto Carrillo García, Miguel Ángel Espinosa Barrera, Ricardo Reynoso Ramírez, Icnacio Sánchez Guillén, Javier Salcedo Camarena, Marco Antonio Soto Sánchez. (in alphabetical order)
Brother Antonio Ramalho, General Councillor, was also present during the celebration of our Chapter.
We are ready to continue in dialogue, proposing and seeing ourselves as instruments of the God of life to look after each one of our brothers and the vitality of our Province. May Mary accompany us and the Spirit illumine our path in choosing life.


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