Brother Oscar Martin New Provincial
Compostela Province held its third Chapter in Valladolid; in attendance were twenty-seven Capitular Brothers and ten invited lay people. The Compostela Province came into existence just six years ago.
On January 2, 2010, in a cordial atmosphere and in presence of Brother Emili Turu, Superior General, Brother Oscar Martin was officially inducted as new Provincial, succeeding to Brother Primitivo.
Brother Primitivo expressed his gratitude to all those who had given him encouragement and support over his six years as Provincial. ?I particularly thank our Superior General, Brother Emili Turu, who has been our help and guide during important moments of Province life: the Golden and Diamond Jubilee celebrations of many Brothers, of whom I am one, and the present inauguration of the third Compostela Province Chapter.? He continued, ?Now I pass the baton to Brother Oscar, who, younger than I, will undoubtedly bring fresh wisdom and a different manner of leadership.?
Brother Oscar focused his comments on three biblical quotations that captured what he was feeling. First was a phrase from Psalm 15: ?The measuring lines have fallen on pleasant sites; fair to me indeed is my inheritance.? To illustrate the significance of the phrase, he pointed out two examples: ?our community in Comayagua with the two new projects that we are developing there; and the generosity of our Brothers who have volunteered for Asia Mission ad Gentes or for other countries – Romania, Mozambique, Zambia, Angola, Venezuela, Guatemala, Peru, Ghana. Such undertakings are a sign of life and hope.?
The second biblical passage which Brother Oscar offered is from Psalm 79: ?O God, bring us back, let your face shine us and we shall be safe.? ?Besides being pleased with this ?inheritance,? permit me also to request that together we ask God for his strength to face the new challenges which lie before us. As a Province, today more than ever and with hearts united, we must pray Psalm 79, asking God to ?visit us? and to ?restore us? with his presence that gives us life, meaning, salvation.?
Lastly, Brother Oscar turned to Psalm 85: ?Guide my heart to fear your name.? ?I know that I can accomplish nothing if God does not ?guide my heart,? sustain it, nourish it.?
The Chapter studied the reports submitted by various capitular teams: the Provincial Council, the Education Team, that of Brothers and Communities, Animation, Finance, and the report of the team that evaluated the Province?s three year Plan.
Using the reports as a spring board, the delegates examined various topics that were suggested for establishing action-plans for the committees to be set up in the Province for the coming three years.
The Provincial Councilors elected to assist Brother Oscar Martin are Brothers Eduardo Montenegro, Antonio Leal, Nicolas Garcia, Maximo Blanco, Raul Figuera and Tomas Briongos.