Brother Peter Carroll
On January 15, the Superior General, Br Emili Turú and his Council, appointed Br Peter Carroll as the new Provincial of Australia. He will take up his post during the Provincial Chapter to be held in October. In the letter written to the Province and delivered personally by Br Emili on the occasion of his participation in the Forum of The Marist Youth, he thanks Br Peter’s availability for services to the Institute. At the same time, he expresses his gratitude to Br Jeff Crowe, Provincial, for the generous service he has given to the marist life and mission in the Institute and especially in Australia.
Brother Peter Carroll’s profile
I was born in 1958 and raised in Bundaberg and Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. I was the middle of three children; my older sister died in 1979 and my younger sister lives with her husband and two sons in Brisbane.
After completing my secondary schooling at Marist College Ashgrove I commenced the Postulancy in 1977 and entered the Novitiate in 1978. I took first vows in January 1980 and made Final Profession in 1986.
During the post-Novitiate period I completed studies at Macquarie University and post-graduate studies at what is today the Australian Catholic University.
From 1984 to 2012 my ministry was exclusively in secondary school education. I specialised in Religious Education and led these departments in three schools. I then moved into school leadership and spent 15 years as Principal of three Colleges: one in Queensland and two in New South Wales.
I was first elected to the Provincial Council of the former Sydney Province in 2003, elected to the Provincial Council of the Australian Province when it was formed in 2012 and appointed by Br Jeffrey Crowe as his Deputy Provincial at the same time. Over the past two years I have supported the Provincial, assisted with a range of pastoral matters and been involved in the professional standards area.
The good Lord has blessed me in many ways: having truly admirable parents, being raised in a loving home with supportive family, being called to the Marist way, being given so many opportunities over the past thirty years. I feel honoured and privileged to have been appointed as Provincial of the Australian Province, and look forward to collaborating with many wonderful Marists, Brothers and Lay, both within and beyond Australia.