2010-01-30 GENERAL HOUSE

Brothers considered as models

The Web site, in the place reserved for our Marist Saints, presents the book Our Models of Marist Holiness. This book brings together our different causes; as well as certain cases where the Brothers concerned are truly considered as models, even if their cause has not been opened.

Our Models of Marist Holiness first looks at our confessors: Marcellin Champagnat, Brother François, Brother Alfano and Brother Basilio.

Much more numerous are the martyrs. Brother Lycarion, a Swiss aged 39, killed on 27 July 1909 in Barcelona, opens the series. Then follow Brothers Bernardo, Laurentino and his confrères (46), beatified on 28 October 2007; the group of Br. Crisanto (68) occupies quite a large space, and that of Br. Eusebio (59) closes the series of the Spanish martyrs.

A hundred pages are reserved for our martyrs of Oceania, Africa, and China. The latter find their case enhanced by the recovery of the acts of the Peking tribunal relating to Christians killed by the Boxers in 1900. Brother Henri Vergès and our martyrs of the Great Lakes of Africa are our contemporaries, pioneers of Mission ad Gentes.

The series of causes are not of equal value. The confessors offer a wealth of material, while certain groups of martyrs receive cursory treatment: the martyrs of Oceania, Br. Eusebio?s group? This is so that the dossier does not become too long.

The advantage of having this work in electronic format allows it to be continued and added to with further data.

The office of the Postulator, in order to avoid the work of printing and mailing, is going to present other books on the web site:

1 – The saints, a book of general reflections on sanctity and the many misunderstandings about it common among us.
2 – The group of martyrs with Br. Crisanto, (68), an account of the Brothers killed in the communities in many places in Spain: Catalonia, Toledo, Madrid, Malaga, Valencia, Badajoz?
3 -The martyrs de China of 1900, under the Boxers: extremely sympathetic martyrs, most of them peasants from around Peking.

The aim of this work is to provide an overall vision of our models of sanctity, an instrument particularly useful for young people in formation. From acquaintance it is possible to pass on to personal and community prayer. It will be a great thing if this work helps to keep alive in our hearts love and prayer for these Brothers, models of Marist life.

The various translators: Brothers Fabricio Galiana, Desmond Crowe, George Fontana, Edward Clisby, Virgilio Balestro and Aloisio Kuhn, merit a special thank you.

Br. Giovanni Maria Bigotto, Postulator.

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