2019-03-04 GENERAL HOUSE

Called to live out ?prophetic and servant leadership? co-responsibly and interdependently

The Meeting of Provincials and District Superiors takes place in the General House from the 4th to the 12th of March, with the motto "Called to live out “prophetic and servant leadership” co-responsibly and interdependently ". Present at the meeting are members of the General Council, the Brother Provincials and the District Superiors. 

The objective of this large meeting is, above all, to strengthen the sense of Marist Global Family through the meeting of the Provincials, District Superiors, the General Council and other members of the General Administration. 

Another objective is the strengthening of  what it means to live "a prophetic leadership of service" in corresponsibility. And also to share the Strategic Planning of the General Administration as a means of putting into practice the XXII General Chapter. In the same way, it is intended to reflect on two specific topics: the international "projects of the Institute" and "our response to the crises generated by situations of sexual abuse". 

During the course of the meeting it will be hoped to create an active and experiential dynamic that favours maximum exchange. And, also, to find a time for a personal meeting with the Superior General or Vicar General and also the link-councillors and the directors of the secretariats and departments of the General Administration.

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