The Province of Brasil Centro-Sul (Marist Group) has won an important Prize (Aberje 2013) thanks to its campaign #êtrefrèremariste, granted by the Brazilian Association for Business Communication to the best communicators of the year and their projects. The campaign of the Province won the highest distinction in the field of Organizational Communication.
With the aim of presenting to young people a creative proposal of vocational animation, youthful in language and communication, clear and objective, the Provincial Team responsible for the Promotion of Vocations has devised the campaign #êtrefrèremariste, which provides information and guidelines on Marist religious life as an alternative to the drafting of a life project, a way to happiness, personal development and self-gift to others, the gift of one’s life and commitment to the cause of good.
Thanks to the social networks, the subject has become widely known and more visible, in particular for a young audience. In the little less than a year that #êtrefrèremariste has been operating, more than 275,000 persons have been directly contacted by the campaign and about 640,000 indirectly.