Challenges and perspectives in work in network
The 1st International Meeting of Marist Publishing Houses took place on 2 and 3 November, in the Hotel Quality, in São Paulo (Brasil). The general objective was to promote integration, harmony and co-operation among the publishing houses in view of strengthening the institutional mission in the publishing field. The meeting also had some specific objectives: to understand better the international publishing market situtation; to learn about the organisation, structure, products, good practices and challenges of the Marist publishing houses; to study proposals of co-operation for activity in network of the publishing houses in the publishing market.
Those taking part in the meeting were:
For the « Grupo Editorial Luis Vives » (Spain): Br Antonio Giménez de Bagüés Gaudó, President of the Council of Administration and Provincial of « Mediterránea »; Br Julián Sanz Falces, Director General; Br Ambrosio Alonso Díez, Provincial; Br Óscar Martín Vicario, Provincial of « Compostela »; Alberto Pazos Arranz, Director of Publishing Organisation and Development; Ignacio Merino García, Chief of Exterior Commerce; Javier Cendoya Irezábal, Director of Management and Operations.
For « Editorial Progreso » (Mexico) ; Br José Joaquín Flores Segura, Director General; Br Ricardo Uriel Reynozo Ramírez, Provincial of « México Central »; Camilo Gómez Gallardo, Director of Production; Br Gerardo Torres, Provincial Councillor and Secretary; Víctor Ricardo Guzmán Zúñiga, Director of Publishing Development.
For « Gram Editora » (Argentine): Br Agustín Martínez, Provincial Econome and responsible for « Gram Editora »; Jorgelina Edith Bastiani, in charge of administration and publications; Alejandro Javier Stella, Counsellor on matters relating to law and organisation.
For« Editora Champagnat » (Curitiba – Brasil): Ana Maria de Barros, Director; Viviane Gonçalves de Campos, Co-ordinator.
For EDIPUCRS (Porto Alegre – Brasil): Jerônimo Carlos Santos Braga, Director ; Gilberto Keller de Andrade, Co-ordinator of the Section of Electronic Publications.
For « Editora FTD S.A. » (São Paulo – Brasil): Br Dario Bortolini, President of the Council of Administration; Br Délcio Afonso Balestrin, Director President; Br Davide Pedri, Provincial of « Brasil Centro-Sul »; Antonio Luis Rios da Silva, Director Superintendant; Silmara Vespasiano, Director of Publishing; Alessandro Benetti de Souza, Director of Logistics; Reginaldo Damasceno, Managing Executive of the Graphic Park; Ceciliany Alves Feitosa, Editor of Literature and Special Projects; Débora Lima, Editor of Natural and Social Sciences; Bruno Orloski de Castro, Juridical and Institutional Relations Manager; Décio Andrasy, Marketing Manager.
For the Marist Union of Brasil (UMBRASIL): Br Arlindo Corrent, Director President; Br Valdícer Civa Fachi, Executive Secretary, and Mércia Procópio, Consultant to the Mission Section.
For the General Government of the Marist Institute: Br João Carlos do Prado, Director of the Mission Secretariat, and Br Josep Maria Soteras Pons, Councillor General.
Br Valdícer Civa Fachi guided the morning prayer on 2 November: « Life is a tissue of dreams ». The meeting opened with interventions from Br Délcio Balestrin, in the name of the Province of « Brasil Centro Sul » and the « Editora FTD »; Br João Carlos do Prado, for the Secretariat of Mission, and Br Josep M. Soteras who declared the meeting open in the name of Br Superior General. Br João Carlos do Prado then gave a conference on « Marist Mission: international challenges and perspectives in the field of publishing » and Mr Antonio María Ávila, Director of the Federation of the Corporation of Spanish Publishers, spoke about « Challenges and perspectives in work in network in the publishing market ». In the afternoon, the Publishing Houses presented their activities on panels.
On 3 November, Dolores Crisci Manzano and Elizete Nicolini, managers of the « Projeto Setorial Integrado – PSI Brazilian Publisher », gave a conference on the « Situation of the publishing markets: Brasil, Spain, Mexico and Argentine ». Then work groups formed tables to begin constructing proposals for co-operation. The discussion and exchanges were resumed in the afternoon so that the results from the groups could be presented at the plenary session.
By way of conclusion, the participants drew up an agenda of collaboration to be implemented by the publishing houses over the next few years. An Executive Committee was also set up to co-ordinate the programme of co-operation among the publishing houses, composed of 1 or 2 members from each of the 4 countries: Mexico, Argentine, Spain and Brasil, plus the representative of the Secretariat of Mission. The Committee co-ordinator will be the Director of the Marist Publishing House which will organize the next meeting in two years. This will take place in Spain (date to be chosen from between 5 and 15 October 2013), under the responsibility of the Edelvives Publishing House.
The participants then turned to the programme for 4/11. Afterwards, various speakers expressed their great satisfaction over the way the meeting had gone, for the participation and goodwill of all, for the organisation and hospitality offered by the General Government of the Institute, UMBRASIL, the Province of « Brasil Centro-Sul » and « Editora FTD ». The day ended with Mass and a convivial meal.
The 4th of November was devoted to visiting the plant of « Editora FTD »: the Graphic Park, Publishing House, and Administration Building in São Paulo. It was in the latter building that the meeting ended, with speeches from Brothers Délcio Afonso Balestrin, Julián Sanz Falces, João Carlos do Prado and Josep Maria Soteras. « Editora FTD » was thanked once again for their hosting and organisation of the meeting. Its director, Br Délcio Balestrin, received a memorial a plaque of the event.