Cruz del Sur province holds fifth chapter
The fifth chapter of the Cruz del Sur province was held at the Villa San José de Luján from Nov. 1 – 2, during which the Province’s management changed and the new provincial, Brother Alberto Aparicio, took up office during a Mass.
“It was a moving celebration in which Brother Horacio Bustos (the former provincial) shared some words of farewell and thanks,” stated the news site of the Province.
The chapter also designated its new provincial council, formed by Brothers Arturo Buet, Rubén Velázquez (Paraguay), José Kuhm, Demetrio Espinosa, Agustín Martínez, as well as the new provincial and the vice provincial, Brother Raúl Schönfeld.
Before the fifth provincial chapter, Marists gathered for an assembly from Oct. 30 – 31 in Luján to prepare supplies for the chapter members (photos).
According to the site of the Province, there was “a great presence of Brothers and laity.”
All of the chapter members, general directors and coordinators of educational works, references of areas of provincial animation, and other members of management teams and some youths from different areas of the province participated.
Brothers Eugène Kabanguka and Víctor Preciado of the general council also took part.
“It was two days of intense work in which all voices who spoke were listened to and, based on different assessments of the triennium, inputs were given for the provincial chapter to work on,” stated the Province in a publication dated Nov. 2.
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