Discussing the Institute?s animation and government
From June 11 – 15, superior general Brother Ernesto Sánchez and his council met at the general house with former superior general Brother Emili Turú and the council that animated the Institute from 2009 – 2017.
For five days, they shared topics related to the accompaniment of administrative units and regions, as well as other aspects of the Institute’s animation.
“It seemed to us that it was more convenient and productive to hold this meeting a few months after the general chapter, so that the new general council would have a better grasp of the issues, after having already spent some months in the service of animation and government,” affirmed Br Ernesto.
The purpose of the meeting was to share the experience of accompanying the Institute during the last eight years.
“Our sharing and reflecting together was part of the first stage of the planning that we will continue to carry out during the next fortnight,” concluded the superior general.
Former superior general and general council
Brothers Ernesto Sánchez and Josep Maria Soteras continue to lead the Institute, after having been reelected during the last chapter to form part of the current general government.
Brother Emili Turú, who served as superior general until 2017, was in the United States for a sabbatical period and is currently in the “Casal” Marist community in Barcelona.
Former vicar general Brother Joe McKee spent a sabbatical in Oceania during the first half of this year and is now living in Glasgow, Scotland.
Brother Antonio Ramalho, former general councillor, is a member of the formation community of Fortaleza, which looks after postulants from the provinces of Brasil Centro-Norte and Brasil Sur-Amazonia.
Brother Eugène Kabanguka, former general councillor, is still receiving health treatment and is currently in Curitiba, Brazil.
Brother Michael de Waas, former general councillor, lives in Sri Lanka, in the ‘Marist Sevana’ house of spirituality in Haldanduwana.
Brother Víctor Preciado, former general councillor, currently lives in the provincial house of México Occidental in Guadalajara.