?Educating today and tomorrow. A renewing passion?
Around 30 Marists from around the world, including brothers and laity, gathered at the general house for a fraternal encounter on Nov. 18 before the start of a congress on education, promoted by the Holy See and the Catholic International Education Office (OIEC).
The congress “Educating Today and Tomorrow. A passion that is renewed” is taking place in Rome from Nov. 18 – 21.
The event, which brings together Catholic educators from around the world, is taking place during the fiftieth anniversary of the declaration of Vatican II Gravissimum educationis and the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Apostolic Constitution Ex corde Ecclesiae.
The congregation for Catholic education is aiming to revive, through this world congress, the Church’s commitment in education.
For more information on the Congress, visit the Vatican’s website.