2020-12-04 CHAD

FMSI collaborates with projects to combat COVID-19 in Koumra

The Marist Brothers of Chad, from the District of West Africa, together with FMSI, have launched two projects to combat COVID-19 in the city of Koumra to help the students of Marist schools and the most needy people.

The local government, in this pandemic situation, has carried out awareness campaigns and has distributed protection materials, but the many people who live in the rural areas have not had access to aid and do not have economic resources.

The project, funded by Fondation Missions Maristes of Canada, employs two types of intervention.

Intervention in schools

This initiative seeks to protect the health of 4,748 students in the 9 secondary schools in Koumra that have resumed school activities. This project includes the purchase of hygiene and protection kits in the nine schools during the pandemic.

Community intervention

The project aims to help the poorest families, vulnerable people or people with disabilities who do not have the economic wherewithal  to acquire protective and disinfection materials. So far 1300 people have benefited from the project.

This intervention also includes training on COVID-19 for community leaders (traditional and religious), so that they can raise awareness and sensitize their communities concerning  the spread of the virus and how to take care of themselves. Community leaders are also responsible for identifying people in need so that they can help them.

Chad: the current situation in which Marists are working

In recent months COVID-19 has been extended to 16 of Chad’s 23 provinces. The local government has conducted awareness campaigns and distributed protective materials, but the many people living in rural areas have not had access to assistance and lack financial resources. In view of this situation, FMSI and the Marist Brothers present in Chad have launched this solidarity project.


FMSI is a Foundation created by the Marist Institute for the promotion and protection of the rights of the child. FMSI carries out its mission through advocacy and lobbying activities and projects in countries where there is a Marist presence.

Foundation “Marist Missions of Canada”

The Foundation was registered in 1995 to respond to the needs of Canadian Marist missions. Over time, the Foundation expanded its scope of action and collaboration in campaigns organized according to its objectives.


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