Fourvière Year
The branches of the Marist family gathered in the private secondary school Saint Joseph in Antsirabe, Madagascar, on Sunday, Jan. 17, to celebrate the Fourvière Year.
The Marist Missionary Sisters of Ambositra (SMSM), the Marist Brothers, former Marist students (AEFM), lay Marists, young Marists of Madagascar (JMM) and families of the Brothers participated in the celebration.
The big hall of the St Joseph private school was built to receive this “Marist world.”
After the prayer, prepared specifically for this encounter, the Brother provincial explained the meaning of the Fourvière Year and why this year had been created for its celebration. A video by Superior General Brother Emili Turú was used to explain the importance of Fourvière so that all participants could understand how and why it is being celebrated.
After listening to the Superior General, there was a question and answer session followed by a presentation of the congregation of the Marist Fathers by the Marist Missionary Sisters (SMSM). They spoke about the main founders, the history of the foundation, the objectives and the activities that are complimentary to the ministry that they do.
Then the Sisters spoke about their own congregation and that of the Marist Sisters.
Brother Michel Maminiaina, Vice Provincial, presented the congregation of the Marist Brothers. Presentations of the lay Marists, alumni and young Marists also followed. This encounter was an opportunity for the families of the Brothers to regain an impulse and organize itself as a Marist group.
A break followed by a Eucharistic celebration took place to conclude the gathering. The Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving for the event’s success and for the prevailing unity among the branches of the Marist family.
It was a time of prayer, meditation and fervor that the liturgical group responsible for the animation of the Eucharist gave the participants.
After Mass, they joined for dinner for which all had contributed with food brought from their own homes allowing them to share the celebration joyfully with each other.