II International Marist Mission Assembly
Once again I’m involved as a journalist for this page. It is a privilege that was neither expected nor merited, but I’m willing to do this work with affection and commitment. Seven years have passed since the first Assembly in Mendes. Now, by decision of Brother Emili, I retake the service as narrator of the daily activities of this II IMMA. It is my hope to capture the interest of the readers, to enrich the Institute, and to clearly reflect the events in Nairobi.
I begin by announcing that behind the slogan: “New Marist in Mission”, a great Marist community both international and mixed, will gather in the African city of Nairobi, a significant city in Marist Africa. This group of men and women, brothers and laypersons, will embark on a spiritual adventure lasting two weeks. Marist Africa, with its 450 brothers, 5.000 lay Marist collaborators and more than 57.000 children and young people, opens its arms to welcome the participants and to its life and culture.
Delegates and representatives come from the four corners of the world. To give an idea of their origin, let us note of some of the airports used by the participants: Brussels, Dubai, Paris, Addis Ababa, Johannesburg, London, Amsterdam, Bangkok, Madrid, Zurich, Luanda, Istanbul, Cairo, Antananarivo, Mwanza, Accra, etc.
An arena for brothers and laypersons
The Assembly is an opportunity for brothers and laypersons to participate as equals, in sharing their lives and the challenges they face in listening to the calls of God today in the light of our charism and mission as Marists. This Mission Assembly, as a follow-up to the first one in Mendes seven years ago, will explore still further the directions to take in the future.
The II IMMA includes 117 people coming from 45 different countries: official delegates from Administrative Units (AUs) with 38 laypersons and 32 brothers. Here are included 11 young people from all the Regions of the Marist world; 8 members of the General Council; including the Superior and his Vicar. There are also present one “Little sister of Champagnat” and one Marist Missionary Sister. The Central Commission comprises 11 members, helped by a support team of 20 and 6 translators. A small number of AUs submitted their preparatory documentation, but sent their apologies for not attending: the Amazons, Melanesia, Brazil Centro-Nord and Brazil Rio Grande do Sul.
Three of the official languages of the Institute will be used: English, Spanish and French. It is estimated that more than 25 mother tongues will be represented. The common language in this great family of Mary, as desired by Champagnat, will be love.
Participants will be lodged in three different religious houses near the Marist International Centre (MIC). A brother has been appointed as coordinator in each of them.
The centre of activity will be Dimesse House of Spirituality, run by a group of religious women called “Dimesse Sisters” or “Daughters of Mary Immaculate”. The house coordinator is Br. Mario Meuti. Roussel House, the second centre (coordinator Br Manuel Mendoza), is run by the Missionary Workers of the Immaculate of “Donum Dei” Missionary Family. The third welcoming house, the St. Joseph Spiritual Centre, is run by the Little Sisters of St. Joseph (Br Chris Wills).
AMEstaún , 14 September