2011-11-22 BRAZIL

Immersion session

The first Immersion Course organized by the Co-ordination of Evangelisation Team of the Province "Brasil Centro-Norte", from 17 to 21 October, in Vila Champagnat – Brazlândia/DF, was a time for enlarging the space of the tent of co-responsibility in mission for brothers and laity. The meeting extended the knowledge of the new collaborators about the organizational structure of the Marist Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte », but it also served to better clarify for the participants the role of the pastoral co-ordinator in regard to the mission of the Institute.

The Co-ordination of Evangelisation, in collaboration with the authorities of the Central Bureau, had the responsibility for and liaising with the Meeting. The co-ordination team, under the direction of Br Luiz André – seconded by Álvaro Loureiro (Education Ministry), Raquel Pulita (Youth Section) and Jorge Santos (Social and Catechetical Ministry) – prepared and guided the session.

There was a choice for associating with people and organizations capable of reinforcing the sense of belonging in the domain of Marist schools, but also of consolidating the links between  evangelisation, education and management in the school domain. Among those present: Br Lúcio (Provincial House); Br James (Co-ordinator of Vocations Animation); Br Wellington Mousinho (Provincial); Juliano dos Anjos and Valéria Palheiros (Co-ordinator and Specialist in Social Administration); Amanda Ribeiro (Specialist in Communication); Jaqueline Jesus and Maria Ireneuda (Educational Administrator and Teaching Co-ordinator).

The participants from the school and social establishments were already working in the Institution and had received preparation for the function of pastoral co-ordinator. They were: Fábio Lima dos Santos, of the Marist College of Natal; Esmera Laurinda, of the College of Palmas; Pedro Renato, of the Marist College São Luís, de Recife, and Rafael Basso, of the College Dom Silvério. Certains persons had been hired to attend to the new configuration of schools recently created: Kátia Rosado for the Marist College São Vicente of Minas; Thairo Guimarães, from the Marist Champagnat School of Varginha, and Vanderlei Queiróz, of the  Marist Champagnat School of Contagem.

Thanks to the expositions, these persons have the certainty of not being alone: they have found in the Co-ordination of Evangelisation, as much in witness as in the organisation of the event, the typically Marist way of welcoming and rallying around people. They have seen that immersion evokes baptism, the beginning of the Christian life, in which everyone is called to announce the Kingdom of God; that the event has been a dive in the life of the Province. They have learned that at the heart of diversity, each one performs a common action which makes him/her more and more familiar with the person of the Founder of the Institute, Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

They are party to having dived a little deeper into the history of the men and women who recognise the dream of Jesus in that of Champagnat. Each animator has challenged and   stimulated them in a different way, in awakening a mystique characteristic to Marist sentiment: the mystique of care, hospitality, hope. This was a true immersion in the knowledge of the ministry.

Certain questions have been very stimulating and have aroused reflections leading to action in the field of each one’s social situation. The participants have understood that the co-ordinator is a   figure of the Institution who harmonises in his/her conduct ETHICS, UTOPIA AND SPIRITUALITY. When they succeed in giving these elements their correct balance, they have the possibility of choosing the best path for evangelisation in the School establishment where they are working.

The pastoral co-ordinators and agents have appreciated this event which has allowed them to   participate with other persons who, like them, have just come into the Institution. They have returned home filled with wonder at the proposition. They believe that they should grow to be more and more partners in the mission. They have learned to share and to make concrete, in the Establishments, what they have lived during these days. They have departed with a great sense of belonging, of apostolate in their hearts, through a prophetic announcement which has to be made among the youth and so many other people who make up the educational community.

Strong from this meeting and the guidelines given, we can affirm that it is a great step towards a commitment and a change in the persons and the Institution, in view of the accomplishment of the mission. We believe that the Spirit who motivated us to have this meeting is the same who inspires and urges us to get up and « set out, in haste, with Mary, to a new land ».


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