In the steps of Marcellin Champagnat
On Thursday 28 January 2010, with the celebration of the Eucharist, eleven young men began their postulancy, and another five commenced their second year of Marist formation. They are accompanied by three Brothers: Miguel Ángel Grisales, Javier Echeverry and Geovanni Velasco.
The candidates begin this period of Marist formation after living a term of aspirancy in Pasto. The first year group is made up of a good group of young men coming from the departament of Nariño: Juan Pablo Muñoz Martínez (Las Mesas, Nariño), Eduardo Giovanni Ordóñez Bolaños (Las Mesas, Nariño), Fredy Andrés Villota Ánama (Pasto, Nariño), Iván Gabriel Bastidas Tarapuéz (Ipiales, Nariño), Efrén Salgado de la Vega (De Sahagún, Córdoba). The other part of the group making up the Postulancy come from the vocations ministry carried out in the department of Quindío. They are: Juan David Páez Rivera (Armenia), Julián Alcaraz Quiróz (Urrao, Antioquia), Cristian Camilo Galindi Pulido (Armenia), José Fabián Franco Patiño (Filandia, Quindío), Luis Fernando Arias Mazo (Filandia, Quindío), Jorge Leonardo Pulido Pulido (Libano, Tolima).
These have begun the second year of Postulancy: Juan Pablo Burgos Gómez (El Tambo, Nariño), Julián Andrés Quintero Gañán (Manizales, Caldas), Juan Bolaños Ordóñez (Belén, Nariño), John Alberth Castillo M. (La Cruz, Nariño) and John Jairo Jaramillo Córdoba (Mocoa, Putumayo).
May the Lord, our Good Mother, and Saint Marcellin Champagnat accompany this process of vocational discernment. Many thanks to the Brothers, teachers and recruiters who have made it possible for these young men to become enthusiastic about following Jesus in the Marist style. Thanks equally to those working directly in their formation. To all we ask to recommend us in their prayers so that we can continue having young Brothers according to the heart of Marcellin Champagnat.