Institutions of Higher Education
The VII Assembly of the Marist International Network of Institutions of Higher Education was celebrated from July 6 to 11, in the Marist College of Poughkeepsie, United States. There was reflection on the networks, leadership, the project of the New Models of the Institute and the global vision of the preparation of the new Marist centenary thanks to the message in the video of Brother Emili Turú.
The Assembly also analyzed the projects carried out in the past two years and approved the report and the Balance Sheet of the accounts of the Executive Council. The theme that stood out was the approbation of the document “Marist Evangelizing Action in Higher Education”.
Then it was proceeded to the election of the new Executive Council of the Network for the period of time from 2016 to 2018 which was constituted by Br. Roberto Méndez López, from the Marist University of Querétaro, Mexico, as President; Br. Clemente Ivo Juliatto, from the PUCPR Curitiba, Brazil; David Hall, from the Catholic University of Australia, in Sydney; and Br. Pablo González Franco, from the University Champagnat of Lima, Peru.
The following priorities were set:
- Strengthen and qualify the mission of the Marist Institutions of Higher Education;
- Contribute to social transformation;
- Create the Network according to the basic principle of collaboration, organizing and guaranteeing a minimum operational structure for its functioning;
- Strengthen cooperation by means of research or investigation and exchange;
- Support the projects of the Marist Institute.
For the next two years the following projects will be developed:
- Organization of the Network;
- Strengthen or implementation of pastoral programs in all the (IES) Institutions of Higher Education;
- Identification and strengthening of the observatories and similar existing initiatives;
- Continuation and implementation of degrees and programs on the rights and protection of children;
- Promotion of the exchange of students, professors and knowledge.
Finally, it was decided that the VIII Assembly of the Network would be held in 2018 and in the city of Lima, Peru.
The Assembly was held in a climate of integration and dialogue. The quality of the encounter was very positive because of the collaboration of all the Marist IES. The participants acknowledged the effort made by the Marist College and especially, by the Brothers Seán Sammon and Michael Flanigan, for the welcome offered to all the participants and the arrangement of all the conditions favorable for the encounter.