Marist laity in the Americas
The Marist Training Centre in Guatemala welcomed the Lay Subcommittee of America from Aug. 25 – 29 for their annual meeting.
Brother Javier Espinosa, director of the Secretariat of the Laity, also accompanied the work.
The team began revisiting the Global Framework document, which refers to vocational itineraries for laity, as well as processes of ‘linking and belonging’.
This is the most significant effort of the Institute, which should involve, little by little, all the provinces.
Then they discussed the proposals for creating training courses for lay accompanists in each region.
They reflected on the fact that accompaniment is an essential element in vocational paths, as can be seen in the experiences of the province of Santa Maria de los Andes, in which about 80 lay people are being accompanied, and about 50 in the province of Central America.
Regarding the three regions of America, the preparation of three courses in Guatemala, Chile and Brazil are being reviewed.
Other issues discussed included: course for lay animators, which took place in Rome in May; the encounter of the continental commission of the laity in Oct. 2016; the document on the joint vocations ministry; and the vocabulary of Marist terms.
In view of greater cooperation, the Subcommittee held two colloquiums: with Brother Luis Carlos Gutierrez, president of CIAP, and with Brother Carlos Velez, of the spirituality committee, brothers and lay people, which is part of the Subcommittee.
Both stressed the importance of joint and integrated work of the various organizations to make better use of resources and of developing the mission.
The Subcommittee took the opportunity to resume the strategic plan of the committee of spirituality, brothers and lay people and make the plan for 2016.
Most notably, we see the importance of investing in the relationship with all the provinces, be it to propagate what is already being done, or to create spaces for sharing and communion among the continent’s laity.
The Subcommittee had the opportunity to meet lay Marists who are doing their vocational journey in the province of Central America.
Lay people participate in the formation process of the common experience of the charism of Champagnat.
In the picture: members of the subcommittee with the Guatemalan lay group in the process of vocational discernment.