2007-11-08 BRAZIL

Marist Province Assembly, Brasil Centro-Sul

The Marist Province of Brasil Centro-Sul held a Province Assembly, October 12 to 14, 2007, in the city of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina State. Present for the assembly were 101 Brothers.

The following were some of the assembly?s activities:
a) A study of the new administrative-organizational Province Plan.
b) Modification of some statutes related to the Province?s important legal entity called ?Mantenedoras Jurídicas?.
c) Official distribution of the document Water from the Rock. The Province has distributed five thousand copies of the document, not solely to the Brothers and those in formation, but to the lay colleagues in our Marist apostolates.
d) A farewell ceremony for five young Brothers who have volunteered for the Mission ad Gentes program.
e) A tribute to the Brother Jubiliarians celebrating 70, 60, 50 or 25 years of religious life.


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