Marist Province of Brasil Centro-Sul
In November and December of 2011, three young Brothers of the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul made their definitive commitment to the Congregation with the taking of their perpetual vows. They were Brothers Cassiano UBERTI, Darlan SANTORUM and Marcos SERENA.
1. The vows ceremony of Br Cassiano UBERTI took place on 5 November, and was held in the main Chapel of the Colégio Marista de Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo), where he has been exercising his Marist ministry for the last few years. A beautiful ceremony involving the presence of many teachers, students, family members and friends and, above all, of various confreres gathered to support and celebrate with their dear Brother Cassiano.
2. As for the vows ceremony of Br Darlan SANTORUM, this took place on 19 November, in the Igreja Matriz of the city of Capinzal (Santa Catarina), his home town. The ceremony was marked by a great gathering of parishioners, motivated and prepared by an intensive vocations week, which had been conducted in the chapels and schools of the region. Br Darlan also counted on the support of many confrères, family and friends, who expressed and support and appreciation for him.
3. The perpetual profession of Br Marcos Serena took place on 22 December, in Florianópolis (Santa Catarina), on the close of the Brothers’ annual retreat. Br Marcos Serena, has been working as a missionary in the ad gentes programme of the Institute these last few years. He came to the Province in December to visit his family and take his perpetual vows. As well as the Brothers on retreat, other confrères came to take part in the ceremony to show esteem for his decision, together with family, friends, and some of the Province’s candidates and young men in formation.