2012-10-24 MEXICO

Marist Province of « México Occidental »

The  Province of  « México Occidental » has been engaged for almost two years now in a process aimed at consolidation, renovation and changing of perspective : the Process of Institutional Consolidation. This initiative is at the origin of a document : « Strategic agenda for institutional renewal and consolidation ». In the document are to be found fundamental decisions to be implemented by the Province ; it is only in this way that it will move towards its objective of renewing and strengthening the living of the Marist charism and mission and passing them on to future generations.

From the start, this process has called on all, and thanks  to the efforts of all – Marist brothers and laity attracted by the call of Jesus, after the example of Mary and under the inspiration of Champagnat – it will be able to move ahead.

So, on 21 and 22 September, the directors of the Marist works and the animators of religious communities met to implement the plan of communication of the Strategic Agenda. We want everyone to know and understand the challenges and the implications raised by the fundamental decisions. Those taking part in the meeting included the Brother capitulants elected for the next Provincial Chapter, which will be a privileged time for dialogue, reflection and the taking of decisions relating to the animation and the government of the life of the Province.

Here you can download some documents: http://www.maristas.org.mx/portal/content/proceso-de-fortalecimiento-institucional-documentos


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