2011-02-11 BRAZIL

Marist provinces of Brazil

Beginning in 2011, the formation of the novices of all of Marist Brazil will take place together, in a single house of formation. As of February, the location of the novitiate will change from Campinas/SP to Passo Fundo/RS, at the Marcellin Champagnat Institute.

The house has room for 30 novices who will carry on their studies in following this important stage of formation in Marist religious life. The members of the formation team are Brothers Tercílio Sevegnani, Sadi Cella, Rubens Falqueto and Silfredo Luiz Klein.

On February 2 all the Marist provinces had a special intention in their prayers for the novices who, on that date, moved into the new novitiate. This interprovincial experience will add to their qualifications and invigorate the work of formation of the new brothers.

The novitiate is the central stage in formation for religious life. Really, in this period the novice has the opportunity to discern and to reflect deeply on his vocational choice, and is called to reflect on his intentions and talents, that will be at the service of the Marist Institute and its mission in the world. 



Marist Province of Cruz del Sur...


Life is a gift...