2022-11-25 SPAIN

Marists of Ibérica celebrate the week of the Rights of the Child

All the Marist centers of the Province of Ibérica (with a presence in the Basque Country, Navarra, La Rioja, Aragón, Castilla La Mancha, Madrid, Extremadura and Romania) have celebrated the week of the Rights of the Child (November 14-18). Under the slogan “Smile from the heart, build peace”, various activities were promoted with the aim of sensitizing and educating children and young people of all educational levels.

The Marist institution, with the collaboration of the NGO SED and the Edelvives Foundation, created, seven years ago, an interactive campaign with characters called “Guardians of Rights”, who have been the protagonists of comics, videos, songs, posters and, especially, of a series of didactic units that are renewed each year with a different slogan.

During this week, the students of the Marist centers have learned and reflected on the rights of children through courses and didactic units personalized according to their school stage.  All the resources can be found on the blog of the Marist Province of Ibérica.

Through these proposals, the Marists of Ibérica intend to join in the initiatives to raise awareness of the fundamental rights of children throughout the world that are being carried out at the international level on the occasion of November 20, Universal Children’s Day, established in 1989 by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


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