2020-03-10 GUATEMALA

Meeting of Community Animators of the Province of Central America

Using the motto “With your brothers: build community”, the Provincial Meeting of Community Animators of the Province of Central America took place from the 21st to the 23rd February at the Marist Centre of Formation in Guatemala City. Seventeen Brother Animators participated in the event: Brother Provincial, Hipólito Pérez Provincial; Brother Javier Hernández and Lesli Peña, in charge of pastoral ministry.

The objects of the meeting were:

  • To live an experience of meeting and  promoting formation for the community animators of the Province.
  • To deepen communication and the levels of constructive, contemplative and fraternal dialogue in the communities.
  • To promote “being and knowing how to do” in the service and exercise of leadership in community animation.
  • To encourage the exercise of community leadership in the practice of community discernment.
  • To follow up on the experience of the provincial retreat on the Rule of Life by encouraging personal and community moments of reflection and contemplation.
  • To discover and welcome the possibilities of vitality offered by the new models of community.

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