2012-01-21 BRAZIL

Mission and inculturation in favour of life

A good number of Brothers gathered at Porto Velho from 15 to 24 December. The meeting properly speaking was preceded by a Marial retreat, very well directed by Br Afonso Levis, in the house of the Franciscan Catechist Sisters. Thanks to Br Afonso for his missionary journey into our  Amazonia!

The IV Amazonia District Chapter took place in an intense atmosphere of union, dialogue and fraternity. The 16 Brothers taking part benefited from the presence of Br Provincial, Inácio Nestor Etges, and Sister Guaracema Tupinambá, president of the regional CRB of Manaus. Ida Cristina and Leina Matos were available from time to time to collaborate in the sharing about the mission and financial autonomy.

During the Chapter, the Brothers concentrated on the District Action Plan (PAD) for the years 2010-2017. They evaluated what had already been done so as to be able to give thanks and celebrate the successes. They detected gaps to be filled and studied the projects to be developed in the next few years.

class=imgshadowAs for the service of Animation and Government, Br Sebastião Ferrarini and his Council were thanked for the services rendered during the last three years. For the next three, this service will be taken on by:

Br João Gutemberg M. C. Sampaio –  District Superior
Br Sadi Cella – Vice-Superior
Br Danilo Correia Bezerra – Councillor
Br Jorge Luiz Lapa Maia – Councillor
 (Br Sadi was not present. A supplementary Councillor will be elected if necessary)

The Juridical Commission has been set up as:

Br João Gutemberg M. C. Sampaio– President
Br Danilo Correia Bezerra – Vice-President
Br Sadi Cella – Secretary
Br Luiz José Gerhardt – Treasurer
Br Jorge Luiz Lapa Maia – Councillor
Br Sebastião Antonio Ferrarini – Councillor
Br Fideles José Beuren – Councillor

Brothers Delvino Decezero, Guilherme Bertassi and Zeferino Zandonadi were elected to the Fiscal Council.

Among the moments of joy during the Chapter, we highlight the renewal of vows of Br João Paulo Aranhaga Vargas, the 80 years of Br Guilherme Bertassi, the Golden Jubilee of Br Demétrio Herman, even if he was not present, and the news of the return to the District of Brothers Nilso Ronchi and Sadi Cella

The District relies on a small number of Brothers. And we are in the process of reducing the number of communities. But this small size witnesses to the contagious enthusiasm of the brothers and laity looking for an ever more competent and updated presence in the Region. With our support we wish to do honour to the motto proposed for our District Chapter: Marists in Amazonia: mission inculturated in favour of life!

Br João Gutemberg M. C. Sampaio, District Superior


A sincere thanks for the donations of 2011...


Fondazione Marista per la Solidarietà Intern...