Mobile App ?Maristas?
To communicate more efficiently the Marist life, the Institute needs to use the new technologies of communication, that are constantly being created, with greater boldness.
Mobile phones are slowly substituting computers. There are increasingly less visits to websites and news circulate in social networks and in mobile applications. The message is the same, but other means are being used.
The Institute’s communication press office has developed an App, available for Androids (Google Play) and for iPhones (App Store), which offers news, images and Marist thoughts for mobile users.
One of the concerns of the press office is to use all the existing possibilities, in a coordinated way, in order to show that Marcellin’s dream is alive and is reborn under different aspects, in all environments where the Marists of Champagnat are present.
It dedicates a great amount of energy to spreading the expressions of the Marist charism in different formats: the website, social networks, YouTube, the PDF newsletter and now through this application as well.
The application is available in the Institute’s four official languages. In addition to the permanent information about who we are, we offer three dynamic sections: news, a picture of the day and a thought of the day.
Each day that information is introduced, the mobile phone receives an alert.
To download the application, go to Google Play with your mobile phone or App Store if you have an iPhone. Search for “Maristas” and download the application with the Bicentenary logo. The language of the application will automatically be the one of the mobile phone.