Mururu Marist Community in Solidality with the Vulnerable People
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Mt 25:40).
Inspired by this Gospel text, the Marist community of Mururu, in Rwanda, in the Province de l’Afrique Centre-Est (PACE), and their Teacher Training College (TTC) students, do their apostolate work among vulnerable people in their neighbourhood. At Rusizi Handicap Centre, the Brothers and students carry out activities including helping to feed the disabled children, donating food and hygiene material items to support them, and from time to time they sing or perform a dance to put smiles on the faces of the disabled children.
The Marist community of Mururu together with their students and teachers also carry out benevolent activities in their neighbourhood including constructing sanitary facilities and preparing firewood for the poor and elderly people.
Br. Jean Mfurayase