New directions in evangelization for the Americas
The Sub-commission of Evangelization met in October in Brasilia to plan activities aimed at reinforcing the mission of making Jesus known and loved by the children and youth of the Americas. The group, formed by Br Luiz André Pereira, of the Province of « Brasil Centro-Norte », Claudia Gonzalez, of « Cono Sur », and Ulises Centeno, of the Province « México Central », reflected on their action priorities up to 2017.
The participants defined five centres of work for the Sub-commission, which recently ceased as part of the MYM (Marist Youth Ministry) to pass to Evangelization and broaden its activities. Among other matters, there are the new places of evangelization in a context of vulnerability, coming closer to children and young people, Marist youth ministry, a reflection on experiences of God among children and youth, and making use of social networks. « Our challenges consist in adapting our plans to the different situations, in receiving and accompanying personal experiences, and in re-dynamizing the processes », emphasized Claudia, co-ordinator of ministry for Chile.
Since 2004, the Sub-commission has been drawing up educational and evangelizing proposals to respond to the needs and expectations of young peoples. « Our action is the fruit of a path which strengthens our projects », recalls Ulises, involved in the project from the beginning.