New Executive Council of the USG for the triennium 2018-2021
The Assembly of the Union of General Superiors, which took place in Ariccia (Italy) from 21 to 23 November, proceeded to the election of the new Executive Council of the Union. Brother Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General, has been elected member of the Council.
The new Executive Council for the triennium 2018-2021 is made up of: Fr. Arturo Sosa (Jesuit, President of the USG), Fr. Michael Brehl (Redemptorist, Vice-president), Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Fr. Pedro Aguado (Escolapian), Fr. Mauro Lepori (Cistercian), Fr. Laurentius Tarpin (Canon Regular), Fr. Alejandro Moral (Augustinian,OSA), Fr. Ángel Fernández (Salesian), Fr. Tadese Gabresalasie (Combonian), Fr. Mattew Vattamattan (Claretian), Fr. Valdir José de Castro (Pauline) and Fr. Tomasz Mavric (Lazarist).
Founded in 1968, the USG brings together the General Superiors of the Orders and male Religious Congregations. The Union of General Superiors has as its objective the care of the Institutes consecrated to the service of the Church, with a more effective collaboration with these Institutes and the promotion of contacts with the Holy See and the ecclesiastical hierarchy.
Also, six counsellors are selected from the twelve members of this Council of the USG who, together with the President and the Vice-president, form a part of the "Council of the 16". This is a Council formed by eight Congregations of Religious (of the UISG) and eight Congregations of Religious (of the USG) that meet twice a year with the Congregation of the Vatican for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA). Brother Ernesto Sánchez has also been elected to this Council for three years.