2016-10-28 GENERAL HOUSE

November ? December 2016

Oct. 20 – Dec. 16: Formation programme ‘Amanecer’ for third age, English-speaking Brothers in Manziana.

Oct. 31 – Nov. 03: Extended general council meeting of Europe in Guardamar, Spain.

Oct. 31 – Nov. 04: Encounter of formators of the Americas in Curitiba, Brazil: Brother Hipólito Pérez, of the Brothers Today Secretariat and Brother Javier Espinosa of the Secretariat of the Laity.


Nov. 4 – 5: European Provincial Councils meeting in Guardamar, Spain: Brother Carlos Alberto Rojas Carvajal (new Secretariat of Mission director starting January) and general councillors, Brothers Ernesto Sánchez and Antonio Ramalho.

Nov 5: European Marist Conference (CEM) meeting in Guardamar, Brothers Antonio Ramalho and Ernesto Sánchez.

Nov. 7 – 12: meeting of the African Mission Commission in Nairobi: Brothers Mario Meuti, director of FMSI in Rome, João Carlos do Prado, director of the Secretariat of Mission, Carlos Alberto Rojas and Mark Omede (new director and assistant director of Mission Secretariat starting in January).

Nov. 7 – 25: Meeting of the Commission for the Revision of the Constitutions at the general house: Brother Josep Maria Soteras.

Nov. 9 – 16: 50th Anniversary of Marist presence in Pakistan: Superior general Brother Emili Turú and general councillor Brother Michael de Waas.

Nov. 10 – Dec 14: Marist Vocation Animators Programme at the general house: general councillor Brother Ernesto Sánchez and Brothers Hipólito Pérez and Tony Leon of the Brothers Today Secretariat.

Nov. 11 – 12: Fifth Seminar of Formation for Educators in Rome: Brother Miguel Angel Espinosa Barrera of the Secretariat of Mission.

Nov. 17 – 21: Council of the Fratelli Project meeting in Lebanon: Vicar general Brother Joe McKee and Brother Chris Wills, director of “Collaboration for Mission, International.”

Nov. 18 – Dec. 5: Encounter of coordinators of the commissions of laity of the Americas in Quito, Ecuador: Brother Javier Espinosa of the Secretariat of the Laity. 

Nov. 22 – 28: Retreat for the America Central Province at San Salvador, El Salvador: General councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.

Nov. 25 – 27: Second International Symposium for Superiors General and Economes General at the Auditorium of the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome organised by the Vatican’s Congregation for Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life: Superior general Brother Emili Turú and Brother Libardo Garzón, econome general.

Nov. 26: Meeting of Tutti Fratelli at the general house of the Lasallian Brothers in Rome.

Nov. 28 – 29: Encounter of Provincial administrators of Europe at the general house: Brother Libardo Garzón, econome general.

Nov. 29: Regular meeting of the general council.

Nov. 30 – Dec. 2: International Communications Committee at the general house: General councillor Brother Antonio Ramalho.


Dec. 1: General assembly of Solidarity with South Sudan in Rome: Brother Chris Wills, the director of “Collaboration for Mission, International.”

Dec. 2 – 8: Retreat for the America Central Province at Guatemala City, Guatemala: General councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.

Dec. 5 – 10: Meeting of Preparatory Commission General Chapter in Rome: Brothers Josep McKee (vicar general, coordinator), Carlos Huidobro (general secretary), Pau Fornells (superior general’s secretary, commission’s secretary).

Dec. 12 – 14: Provincial administrators of the Arco Norte region in Mexico: Brother Libardo Garzón, econome general.

Dec. 15 – 17: District of the Pacific Mission Assembly in New Zealand: General councillor Brother Michael De Waas.

Dec. 18 – 20: District of the Pacific Chapter in New Zealand: General councillor Brother Michael De Waas.

Dec. 19: Regular meeting of the general council.

Dec. 26 – 30: Extended General Council of Africa in Nairobi: members of the general council. 

Dec. 26 – Jan. 2: Retreat for the Cruz del Sur Province in Luján, Argentina: General councillor Brother Víctor Preciado.

Dec. 30 – 31: Africa Regional Meeting on New Models in Nairobi, Kenya: Brothers Ernesto Sánchez, Antonio Ramalho, general councillors, and Mark Omede (vice director of Mission Secretariat starting in January)


Jan. 2: Celebration of the Bicentenary of the Institute: Superior general Brother Emili Turú in Bangladesh for the opening of the new school; Vicar general Brother Joe McKee at La Valla; Brothers Antonio Ramalho and Ernesto Sánchez, general councillors, at the Marist International Centre in Nairobi; General councillor Brother Víctor Preciado in Luján, Argentina; Brothers Eugène Kabanguka, Michael de Waas and Josep Maria Soteras, general councillors, at the general house.


Gratitude to those many Marist educators...


What is Marist Solidarity...