2015-11-06 GENERAL HOUSE

One month ago?

At the opening liturgy of the Marist International Colloquium on Initial Formation, each of the participants brought a small vessel of water from their respective country, added to a regional bowl and ceremoniously poured the water into the Gier at L’Hermitage.  This is a symbol of the richness of the Marist world, which had gathered at our Mother House.  In a confluence of our experience and wisdom, we reflected, shared and imagined the future of Marist Initial Formation.

Ten days later, at the closing liturgy, each participant received a small bottle of Gier water to pour, share and distribute in their own part of the Institute.  Our Marist story, which originated in Lavalla and L’Hermitage, continues to flow after almost two hundred years.



We share with you this ‘flow’ with the text of the Our Beliefs, Perspectives and Recommendations  (Download PDF) of the Colloquium on Marist Initial Formation.  In addition, there is also a Visual Narrative of the experience and the spirit of this gathering, which are communicated more affectively without words.

May the confluence of this October gathering together with Our Good Mother and Jesus, be the influences for our New Beginning.

Brothers Today Secretariat

Download PDF (2,5 MB): English | Español | Français | Português



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