2021-02-18 CANADA

Online Workshop on the Circular, “Homes of Light”

The Marists of Canada are organising an online meeting on 27 February (9:30-11:30am – Canada). The meeting will be an occasion to share about how we experience Mary, drawing our inspiration from the circular “Homes of Light ” of Brother Ernesto, Superior General.

The meeting is open to all brothers and laypeople who wish to reflect on the contents of the circular with other Marists of Champagnat. It is also an opportunity to network the French-speaking communities of the whole Institute.

To take part in the meeting you must register before 24th February. A Zoom link will be sent to you once you have registered. To register, follow this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcOqvrD0jE9H9G2cV23lPEo1e_od4BoEe

Brother Réal Sauvageau will be the facilitator of the sharing.

This is the second meeting in a series that will be offered throughout the year.


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