2023-10-02 GENERAL HOUSE

Other Marist Voices 3 and 4: Servant Leadership and Mission / continuous learning

The Marist International Mission Commission, inspired by the book “Marist Voices“, publishes this Monday two more messages of the project “Other Marist Voices” related to the development of servant and prophetic leadership in the Marist mission.

The first was written by Br. Gaston Nzasabimfura, Deputy Head of School, Rwanda, East Central Africa Province, on the theme A Servant Leadership and Mission(English |  Español |  Français |  PortuguĂŞs) – Video, which refers to chapter 4 of Marist Voices (The Leadership of Empathy, Service and Compassion “Son, they have no wine”), written by Br. Ă“scar MartĂ­n Vicario.

The second message was written by Luciana Winck CorrĂŞa, educator of the Brasil Sul-AmazĂ´nia Province, and addresses the theme Leadership open to continuous learning(English |  Español | Français | PortuguĂŞs – Video, , which refers to chapter 21 of Marist Voices (Training and Lifelong Learning for an Emerging World), written by Br. Chano Guzmán Moriana.

Prophetic and servant leadership

The project is entitled “Other Marist Voices”. A group of Marists, brothers, and lay people will participate, who will share weekly their perceptions and reflections on servant and prophetic leadership, from their Marist mission and action fronts. All messages and videos will be available on this link.

This initiative is part of the leadership training program that the General Administration is developing to continue to inspire the exercise of responsibility, vitality, and commitment to the Marist mission (Project 16 of the General Administration’s Strategic Plan).

The 22-chapter work “Marist Voices: Essays on Servant and Prophetic Leadership” is an initiative that responds to the invitation of the XXII General Chapter that suggests “identifying and forming leaders, lay and brothers, at all levels, given growing in co-responsibility for Marist life and mission”.


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