2005-12-15 ARGENTINA

Perpetual Profession of Brother Claudio Nieto

The perpetual profession of Brother Claudio Nieto took place at the school in Morón, Gran Buenos Aires. During the last few years, he had his community and apostolic experience in the communities of San Rafael, Mendoza and most recently in the Colegio San José de Morón, and now Claudio has confirmed his option for Jesus Christ in a definitive way through his vowed consecration.
He was accompanied by his family members, friends, students and around fifty brothers who had come from different parts of the country for this occasion.
With the theme of his consecration, ?Set me like a seal on your heart? (Song of Songs 8, 6) Brother Claudio shared with all his vocational process from his first religious experiences as a child in youth groups in his small hometown of Calilegua in the Province of Jujuy, Argentina. He led a simple life in his hometown and the awakening of his Marist vocation led him to enter the Postulancy in 1995 and then his first profession in 1999. He expressed his gratitude towards those who had accompanied him in his growth and in his journey: family, catechists and confrères, etc. After the profession Mass, he pronounced a consecration to the Virgin Mary under the invocation of the Good Mother.
It was a sign of hope for the journey of the new Province of Cruz del Sur when we can thank God for his goodness which is reflected in the consecrated life of new brothers such as Claudio. These brothers continue to say ?yes? to the project that Mary confided to a young French priest who came from a hamlet called Marlhes many years before, so that many will dedicate themselves to serve her Son among those of ?his people? who are most in need.
A banquet organised on the college playing fields united members of Claudio?s family, brothers, friends and families from the school community for this feast of the Marist family.


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