Postulants of the District of Asia and the Province of Australia
On Saturday, September 7, eight postulants from the Asia District were received at the Davao Formation House in the Philippines. 5 are from Vietnam and 3 are from India (State of West Bengal).
In their respective countries, all of them have had two years of Marist vocational experience, as aspirants, accompanied by the brothers in charge of their formation.
During the welcoming ceremony, the postulants were given the symbols that signify the commitment they take to carry out formation at this stage of vocational discernment.
The candidates for Marist religious life in the postulancy of Davao follow 2 years of formation.
Currently, 21 postulants and 3 Brothers formators are members of the community: Brother Walter (Ecuador), Brother Try (Vietnam) and Brother Francisco (Spain), Coordinator.
In the second year there are 13 postulants who continue their vocational discernment with the help of the formation modules developed in the FIR (Formation Institute for Religious) and in the Marist Formation Programme.
After completing the formation programme by February 2020, if they meet the necessary requirements to enter the Novitiate, the postulants of the second year will be able to continue the Novitiate in Sri Lanka.
In this second year there are:
9 postulants from East Timor, belonging to the Marist Province of Australia, and 4 from the District of Asia: Vietnam (1), Bangladesh (2) and Cambodia (1).
Postulants from East Timor – Province of Australia.
The postulancy in Davao, in the District of Asia, also welcomes postulants from the Province of Australia, especially East Timor . This year, in August, eleven new postulants from this country entered the postulancy. However, due to lack of space in Davao, they will do their first year in Marikina (Manila), at MAPAC. From March next year, they will continue the second year in Davao.