2010-01-21 BRAZIL

Professions at Mendès ? December 2009

The closing day of the Provincial Assembly in Mendès, 13 December, was a very important moment. During the celebration of the Eucharist, three young men made their first religious profession: José Augusto Júnior, José Leonardo dos Santos Borba and Paulo Henrique Oliveira Soares. Four other Brothers consecrated themselves definitively to the Lord by perpetual profession: James Pinheiro dos Santos, José de Assis Elias de Brito, Luiz André da Silva Pereira and Oldair Ferreira Cardoso. Then 17 other Brothers in temporary profession renewed their vows. All the Brothers had the joy of making their profession into the hands of the Superior General himself, Br. Emili Turú, who was in Mendès for the Provincial Chapter and Assembly.

Among the many people present were the parents of those making perpetual profession or first vows. At the end of the ceremony, all the Brothers were asked to come forward and sing the « Sub tuum praesidium », entrusting to Mary the future of the Province and the desire to be faithful to the Marist charism in the Church.


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