Promotion of Marist life and mission in Africa
The African Mission Commission (AMC) held its annual meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, from 1st to 5th July, 2019.
Those present, from left to right (in the picture) were Br. Mark Omede (Secretariat for Education and Evangelization – Rome), Br. Francis Jumbe (Province of Southern Africa), Michel Maminiaina (Link Provincial and Provincial of Madagascar), Br. Michel Longena Bokolu (Province of Africa Centre-East), Br. John Kusi-Mensah (District of West Africa) and Br. Ifeanyi Mbaegbu (Province of Nigeria) – the AMC President.
A number of issues were looked at during the meeting, with a focus on the core initiatives that were approved by the Conference of Superiors of Africa in line with the Commission’s strategic plan for the African region.
The Commission has made a significant progress on a number of planned activities, namely:
- a pilot project for the second phase of the New Horizon in Malawi is ongoing which will be followed by a wider project for the whole Province of Southern Africa that is to commence very soon;
- the plan to organize Marist Youth Ministry Workshop to develop a manual for the region is still in progress;
- communication is promoted in the region through the production oftwo editions of a regional Newsletter between now and March 2019.
It is the ardent desire of AMC to see to it that all planned activities are successfully implemented because it is for the promotion of Marist life and mission in Africa. It is for this reason that the Commission requests the Superiors of Administrative Units (AUs) to attend to the following:
- appoint Children’s Rights and Safeguarding Committee in each School (where this is not yet in place);
- create a regional Communication network using the existing secretaries in the AUs;
- set up a Provincial/District communication team for effective flow of information within the AUs;
- revive the first phase of the New Horizon by inviting those who participated at the workshop to continue the implementation of the outcome of the workshop;
- Give priority to MYM in the AUs.