2008-01-03 KENYA

Province of East Central Africa

On December 15, the Province of East Central Africa had the final profession of our Brothers Eric Silali Lusenaka and Hosea Munene Mugera. We were reminded that our life is a gift from God and it has to be kept for his glory. That is, we have to witness to his loving presence through our life and the preaching of his word.

Eric and Hosea professed that they have passed the stage of trying to the stage of directing all their strengths to the perfect love of God and of neighbour. In other words, they have committed themselves to having Jesus as the only object of their passion and to having compassion for humanity. This is to say that they have discovered the precious treasure for which they chose to sell everything, leave everything and risk their life in order to get it.

We pray that they remain faithful to their commitment.

Br. Eugene Kabanguka


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