Province of « Norandina »
On Tuesday 1 September 2013, brothers, directors, teachers and employees of the Marist works of Bogotá, Colombia, gathered at the city’s Champagnat College for the launching of the local phase of the II International Marist Mission Assembly (II IMMA), « New Marists on mission », to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 17 to 27 September 2014.
The event was animated by Br Carlos Alberto Rojas, provincial delegate for Colombia.
The II International Mission Assembly poses us the challenge of a new consecrated life which promotes a new way of being brother, in a new relationship between brothers and laity and with a significant evangelizing presence among poor children and young people. It invites us to discover new horizons for the future and to ‘dream’ of « New Marists on mission ». The XXI General Chapter carried out all its work under the sign of newness and proposed to us to « set out in haste, with Mary, to a new land ». It was normal that all this should end in a new reality, which is emerging already and taking on breadth in many parts of the Institute.