2021-07-12 GENERAL HOUSE

Publication of the Constitutions and Statutes and the Rule of Life

Constitutions and Statutes:  English | Español | Français | Português
Rule of Life: English | Español | Français | Português

The printed versions of the Constitutions and Statutes and Wherever You Go: Rule of Life of the Marist Brothers have just been published and are in the process of being sent out to the Administrative Units. See the photos

The Constitutions and Statutes were approved by the Holy See and made available to the whole Institute on 7 October 2020.  They entered into force on 1 November 2020.

The second document, Wherever You Go: Rule of Life of the Brothers, was approved on 2 January 2020 and made available in digital form. In the words of the Superior General, this document represents an “occasion to revitalize the gift of our vocation and to live according to the heart of Mary, as Champagnat wanted when he gave us her name.”

The newly-released version includes the latest revisions to the text and includes notes and other resources that were absent in the earlier versions.

The two volumes are inserted inside a case, decorated with drawings by the Brazilian artist Sergio Ceron, who also did the 4 illustrations for the Rule of Life. The main lines in the design are in gold and silver. In the words of the author, the design highlights how the documents fit within the plan of salvation through the hand of the Creator who comes down from heaven and gives his Spirit as fruit of the redemption.  The following of Christ through Baptism is represented by the cross drawn with baptismal waters; the presence of Mary with the child points to the Marist way of responding to God’s call through children and young people. A brother contemplates the mystery and observes the three vows, drawn like three stars. This scene leads to laypeople who together with the brothers become inheritors of and co-responsible for the Marist charism. Finally, there are five children and young people in a semi-circle representing the presence and diversity of expressions of the Marist charism in all five continents of the world.

Constitutions and Statutes:  English | Español | Français | Português
Rule of Life: English | Español | Français | Português


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