Region of Arco Norte
The Secretariat of the Laity, with the support of the Provincials of the Arco Norte Region, organised and animated the Regional Meeting of the Animators of the MCHFM, that had as headquarters the Marist Centre in the City of Guatemala in the Province of América Central, from Aug. 20 – 23.
We had the participation of the leading animators of the MCHFM from the six provinces of the region, with 31 participants, representing each province in which there is a Marist presence. We were also joined by the Provincials of Mexico Occidental and Canada and the vice provincial of America Central, which created a wonderful experience of dialogue, communion and fraternity.
The objectives for the work and reflection were:
1. to explore in depth the knowledge of the MCHFM and the new Project of Life in fraternity.
2. to prepare the provincial animators of the fraternities as directed by the new document.
3. to be familiar with and to welcome the conclusions of the XXII General Chapter.
4. to reflect and to reach agreement for a greater vitality of the MCHFM in each one of our situations.
The MCHFM is one of the most solid realities at laity level in the Marist world. The process of revitalization that the movement has experienced in the past years can be key to the answers to the call to be a Global Charismatic Family asked of us by the XXII General Chapter.
The current challenge for the MCHFM is to enliven the new positions of the Project of Life in fraternity, and this necessarily goes by the provincial formation of the animators and the creation of a communication network and of regional support for the Movement. This meeting has sought to achieve this, and we are convinced that with the help of the Holy Spirit the agreements achieved will be a contribution to a greater vitality for the charism and a future of more communion in the region.
Finally, we thank those who contributed this experience, sharing their love, happiness and conviction on this Marist road: to Ana Sarrate (Iberica Province) who coordinated the process of upgrading the MCHFM and the writing of the new document, to Ana Saborío (Province of America Central) and João Luis Fedel (Province Brazil Centro-Sul), and members of the Secretariat of the Laity. We also thank those who supported us and who made sure that everything was so well prepared that this meeting was carried out in such an excellent way.
Raúl Amaya Rivera
Director of the Secretariat of the Laity