2018-12-26 MEXICO

Shaping the future with openness to the new

The members of the animation teams of the Interamerican Network of "Solidarity Heart" and Network of Spirituality met in Mexico City from 28 to 30 November.  The work has been animated by Br. José Sánchez Bravo, Provincial of Central Mexico and coordinator of the American Conference of Provincials, Br. Alberto Aparicio, executive secretary of the América Sur Region, and Br. Gregorio Linacero, coordinator of the regional committee of Arco Norte. Inacio Etges, provincial coordinator of South America.

The objective of the meeting was to relaunch the work of both networks, in communion with the lines of action of the General Government and the two regions of America (América Sur and Arco Norte).

In the letter sent to the region, the participants of the meeting wrote in this way:

"We feel committed to promote the lines of our XXII General Chapter and of Brother Superior General and his Council, as well as those promoted by each of our regions. In this reflection we have had the opportunity to review the journey of each one of the networks during the previous years and, from there, to outline the future, with an openness to the new. We want to put all this reflection at the service of the children, adolescents and young people of the continent, in communion as Marists of Champagnat, Brothers and Laity.


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