Sharing experiences of good practice together
From the 13 to the 16th of January in the Monastery of Les Avellanes, Spain, the third Assembly of the Council of Mission for the five Provinces of the Region of Europe took place. In the first part of the meeting, besides looking back on the road travelled as a Region until now, experiences were exchanged of good practice on the part of each one of the Provinces and the work of the European teams already in place (Pastoral, Solidarity and the Protection of children).
Brother Óscar Martin General Councillor, as representative of the General Administration of the Institute, presented the strategic plan and the General Government's new structure.
The past work of the Assembly has been centred on formation. Based on this, each one of the Provinces presented the most outstanding points in their formation plans and have attempted to answer the following questions:
- Formative needs that can be approached in a shared way by Marist Europe.
- Formative needs that can be modified, be retained or be removed from what has been developed in Marist Europe.
- Formations that are carried out now in the Provinces and which could be offered to Marist Europe.
This was carried out, in the first place by working groups selected from the different environments and from the Council of Mission of the Provinces afterwards. As a result, the working group has put forward a series of proposals that they will be considered by the Council of Mission of Europe (MEC) with a view to setting out new initiatives as a Region and to revising of those already existent.