2019-10-17 VATICAN

Signs of Resistance, Hope and Prophecy

"Blessed are those who dream, they will feed the hope of many and run the sweet risk of one day seeing their dreams come true" (Don Helder Câmara).

After more than a week of the synodal assembly it is possible to affirm that there are many signs of resistance, hope and prophecy, and the presence of many dreams, and the possibility of seeing the lives of the countless Pan-Amazonian peoples transformed, with more vitality, justice and dignity, with their rights preserved and guaranteed.

RESISTANCE is present in the discourse of many men and women committed to the territory, to the cause of the weak, to the peoples who survive their struggles, pains and cries. Resistance with the commitment that new paths will be opened and travelled by the Church in Panamazonia. Resistance from the thousands of voices of the peoples who participated in the synodal hearings throughout the Pan-Amazonian territory.

HOPE that emanates from the welcoming, simple, humble and joyful presence of Pope Francis. A man committed to the life of the original peoples, to all of those who suffer. A time of hope, as Paulo Freire inspires us, also by the presence and speeches of indigenous leaders, women, researchers and members of other institutions.

PROPHECY that denounces and combats so many signs of death. Prophecy for the faces of women in the synodal spaces of the Vatican. A prophecy that does not hesitate and is presented in the voices that resound in the spaces of the Synod. A prophecy that makes courage, so much requested by the Pope, incarnate in the different agencies that made the Synod possible. A prophecy that gives nuance to the looks so full of attention and commitment.

Since the Synod was convened – in the course of its preparation and now its realization – it has been a profound time for synodality, practices in dialogue, listening, walking together, knowing what is different, "advancing towards deeper waters" (Lk 5:4), denouncing and caring for the life that emanates from the Amazonian people. And the vehement desire for a stronger pastoral action which is more and more in communion with the realities of the Amazonian peoples.

May the dreams of new paths for a true care of the Common Home, through an integral ecology, continue to be pursued and made concrete, with the certainty that "everything is interconnected" (LS 91), in the constant utopia inspired by Jesus Christ, with hope, resistance and prophecy. May Mary of Nazareth continue to accompany us throughout this important kairological time for the Church and all humanity.


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