Spiritual retreats
Then end of the year 2008 and the beginning of the year 2009 were marked by to spiritual retreats whose theme was from the Year of Spirituality and the document ?water from the Rock. The first retreat, in which 72 Brothers participated, was held in Mendes, from December 17-22. The second was held in Lagoa Seca, Paraiba, with 38 Brothers present.
The first three days of the retreat were spent in a spirituality workshop. The Brothers spent time on different activities, going over their own story, communicating personal sentiments relative to the Brothers of their community, evaluating what positive things have been happening in the Province. These days served each so that he could write the psalms of his own life. Perfect silence was observed for the next three days, they were spent in a deep immersion in Marist Spirituality. We benefitted from the lessons contained in the latter of Saint Marcellin and in some of the episodes of his life.
In the evaluation, the Brothers unanimously agreed that one of the strengths of the retreat was the way in which they were animated by the Brothers of the Province themselves, as well as by one Marist layperson.
In Mendes as well as in Lagoa Seca, the Province had the joy of presenting and accepting the perpetual vows of Brothers Alexandre Lucena Lobo and Arnaldo Jose de Souza, and the renewal of temporary vows for 18 young Brothers. At the same time, Brothers celebrating their 70th, 60th, 50th, and 25th jubilees were honored for their years of fidelity and consecration.
Once again we felt the presence of Maria, our Good Mother, who continues working marvel among us.