Stimulating life
To establish the general objective of our work for the next three years (2006-2009), to define priorities, to install the Provincial and to choose the next Provincial Councillors, are the responsibilities of the 2nd Provincial Chapter. The assembly, deliberative in character, will take place at Veranópolis, from the 3rd to the 5th December.
Around sixty people should participate, forty-five of whom will be Marist Brothers: the eight members of the present Provincial Council, thirty-five elected members, a representative from the General Council and the District Superior of Amazônia. The invited members include six laypeople who will represent the various sectors of the Province: education, social aid, youth movements and administration.
The preparations for the assembly started some months ago and are being co-ordinated by the Provincial Council and the members of the 2nd Chapter?s Preparatory Commission. As well as a special prayer, the latter chose the motto (Stimulating life) and a logo (a stylised heart) as identification elements for this important event. It is in effect a matter of the first transition of Provincial government since the formation of the Province of Rio Grande do Sul.
As a departure point for the reflections of the 2nd Chapter, the Preparatory Commission has done a survey to evaluate the progress and the gaps perceived in the Provincial organisation, vocation animation, the vitalisation of communities, the accompaniment of young brothers, the professional and religious formation of brothers, laypeople and directors throughout the last three years.
This enquiry also sought suggestions to orientate the activities of the next Provincial administration in such areas as vocation animation, initial and on-going formation of the brothers, education, social aid, administration and finances, ministry, communication and publicity, movements, fraternities and the university.