2022-12-12 GENERAL HOUSE

Sustainable Development Goals 17: Partnerships for the goals

“Interdependence, rather than isolation and independence, must become the new normal for us as Marists. We are called to be witnesses of unity and hope” (22nd General Chapter)

The message of the XXII General Chapter ends with an invitation to interdependence. An invitation that is extended, in the third call, to be bridge builders. An invitation to promote networking, within the Marist world, and with other organizations of civil society and the Church.

Five years have passed since the end of the General Chapter. We could now ask ourselves: have we advanced in the establishment of alliances, to achieve the objectives proposed by the Chapter? Without a doubt we will say yes, and at the same time we will say that we continue to walk in this direction.

Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development

I invite you, brothers and lay Marists, to go one step further. I invite you to ask ourselves not only about the objectives set by the General Chapter, but also to reflect on whether we have made progress in developing and fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals. I invite you to think about how our alliances have been in recent months or years, to discover if they have been profitable or if we can further enrich each other to a greater extent. The desire to establish alliances has to lead us to come out of ourselves, first individually and later as a group. Alliances that go beyond our Provinces, alliances that intertwine at the regional level, alliances that weave institutional networks. Alliances that come out of ourselves and our comfort zones, alliances established with governments, with civil society groups, with ecclesiastical institutions and with other religious congregations. Alliances, why not, established with groups that are “different” because of their culture, their religion, their social position… And all this based on our Christian and Marist values, which are universal values. We know, in theory and in practice, that establishing alliances to achieve an objective, or objectives, produces great benefits for all the participating parties. We are also aware that alliances need to be experienced based on conviction and concrete actions so that they offer their full potential.

Establishing alliances means enriching oneself, expanding horizons, knowing other realities, discovering other ways of doing things. Establishing alliances supposes, on the other hand, making efforts, leaving a part of ourselves, opening ourselves to the other, considering what is different as a value and not as a barrier.

And specifically, what can we do? Become aware of the Sustainable Development Goals; form Marist adults and children and young people; include these objectives within our strategic plans; mark concrete, quantifiable and time-limited actions, and initiatives; evaluate our presences from this point of view… Many possibilities open before us, for each one of us, regardless of our reality.

General Chapter calls

We join the third call of the XXII General Chapter, asking God-Trinity, that he “Inspire our creativity to be bridge-builders” making our fraternity a “ prophetic sign” that answers “to the cries of today’s children and young people”, through “our committed” and all this by establishing alliances, networks, bridges with a simple style, and “where everyone is heard and valued”.

Some alliances based on the best that we have and know, that is, through our work, in and through education and through our being and our presence as a “global charismatic family”, called to be a “beacon of hope in this turbulent world”.

Br. Ángel Diego García Otaola – Director of the Secretariat of Solidarity


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