2023-07-07 GENERAL HOUSE

The Institute proposes a course for formators in 2024

In concomitance with the bicentenary of the founding of the mother house of Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage, the Institute is offering course for formators called “New Builders of l’Hermitage”, which will take place in Manziana, from February 1 to November 25, 2024.

This initiative of the Institute is based on the suggestion of the General Chapter so that “we reform our processes of initial and ongoing formation and offer at the level of the Institute or Administrative Units new itineraries to take care of our vocation as brothers: accompaniment, attention to the situation and to the vital stage of each brother.”

The General Conference of 2022 also reaffirmed the need to consolidate and enrich the formation of the brothers in charge of the formation service. This has motivated the decision of the General Council – in collaboration with the Secretariat Brothers Today – to offer this formation program for future and current formators of the postulancy, novitiate and scholasticate.

The course will be in English and Spanish, with simultaneous translation. Each Administrative Unit may send two participating brothers.

Animation team and preparations

The General Council has entrusted Brothers César Rojas (Norandina), Juan Castro (MDA) and Michel Maminiaina (Madagascar) to form the animation team together with the Secretariat Brothers Today. From June 12 to 23, with Brother Ángel Medina, they were at the General House and worked on this task. Brother César connected online.

The brothers Juan and Michel, in the following video, present the course and invite all the Administrative Units to participate in this initiative. On the YouTube channel, it is possible to choose the subtitles in your language to follow the message.


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