The lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want
Brother Geandir Wermann, of the Rio Grande do Sul Province made his perpetual profession on Nov. 1.
The celebration, which meant his definite entrance into the Marist Institute, took place in Santo Cristo, Brazil.
Bishop Dom Liro Vendelino Meurer presided the ceremony and the provincial superior, Brother Inácio Nestor Etges, received Br Geandir’s votes on behalf of the superior general.
Br Geandir chose Psalm 23, ‘the Lord is my shepherd,’ as his theme.
The 31-year-old has been on a Marist way of life for the past 14 years. He entered the juniorate at Santo Ângelo in 2001 and in 2004 he entered the novitiate of Passo Fundo. He made his first profession in 2006 and worked for some time in Angola and in the field of vocational promotion.
He currently works at the Marist Social Centre (Cesmar) of Porto Alegre, a social unit which looks after 1,200 children and young people.